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Liability and Injury Evaluations: Understanding the Two Types of Recommendation Models


Third party bodily injury teams use a number of different approaches and tools to settle claims, but they do share a similar set of goals—settling claims efficiently and accurately. 在第三方索赔过程中有这么多因素在起作用,包括 调节器的营业额, workload, 调整人员与管理层的目标一致, 缺乏报告等等, many carriers struggle to achieve these goals consistently across their organizations. Establishing a consistent approach to liability and injury evaluation is foundational to effective bodily injury claim handling. Moreover, implementing this step is vital to consistent and accurate claim negotiations and settlements in practice. Many auto insurance carriers equip their adjusters with a set of tools and guidelines to help them during this stage of the claims process, but without a programmatic approach to assess and calibrate liability and injury across the organization, 理算员团队可能会在他们的索赔处理实践中产生分歧. A liability and evaluation recommendation model can help improve consistency and accuracy, 但是,了解哪种类型的模型适合您可能具有挑战性. 下面,我们列出了一些关键信息来帮助你开始.


Many carriers provide their adjusters with technology to help them through the liability and injury evaluation process. These technologies collect information about the claim and help create liability and general damages recommendations that adjusters can use to reach a settlement for the claim. 例如, 取决于事故的具体情况, 这些类型的技术平台将收集以下信息:

  • 事故情景(i).e.(十字路口与车尾)
  • 损失时的天气状况
  • 相关侵权因素(车速/车辆控制)
  • 医疗评估数据(考虑的伤害或严重程度/原因)

根据收集到的数据, the tool will then use its pre-set model to calculate a potential liability evaluation range. It then walks the adjuster through a similar process to arrive at a recommendation for general damages and medical specials.

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Two types of recommendation models are the most prevalent in the market today: models based off of pure statistical analysis of historic carrier data and models built based on a combination of statistical analysis and on an insurance carrier’s best practices. While both types of models are built with the same purpose in mind—helping auto casualty insurance carriers improve consistency and accuracy in third party bodily injury claim evaluations—we believe the best practices recommendation model provides carriers with a slew of advantages over the historical data model. This type of recommendation or “knowledgebase” model helps carriers establish their own best practices, 将管理目标与调整者的目标联系起来 日常索赔处理流程 并帮助调整者在谈判过程中取得成功.


To help you understand in more detail why we believe the best practices model is the best option available in the market, 为了帮助你清楚地看到两种类型之间的区别, we’ve outlined the similarities and differences of a historical data model compared to a best practices model. 第三方推荐模型

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As you can see, each type of model brings something different to each insurance carrier. 这样可以很容易地看到它们的区别, we’ve also put together a simple table that highlights the key features and benefits of each type of model.推荐模型的主要特点和优点


While it may be easy to understand how a pure statistical model is built based on historical claims data, 您可能想知道最佳实践模型是如何工作和创建的. Below, we’ve answered the most frequently asked questions we’re asked about the model.


Typically, the best practices model is developed based on consensus modeling surveys of a carrier’s adjusters, which provides a high degree of data confidence due to the abundance of data points. 承运人选择他们的理算员进行调查,以帮助确定事故情况, 面试问题, 定义与每种事故类型相关的侵权责任, 确定严重性和因果关系等问题.


Adjusters are the most important asset a claims handling team has—they carry the knowledge and expertise that help each company succeed. By leveraging the skillsets of the highest performing adjusters to help empower the rest of the claims team, an insurance carrier sets themselves up for consistent and accurate claim evaluations, 不管理算员在处理索赔.


Typically, an organization needs seven or more adjusters and other experts to build a best practices knowledgebase model. 模型可以从头开始构建, 或者,携带者可以从调查和受伤问题的起始菜单中选择, 责任义务以及更多帮助他们构建最佳实践模型的内容. The software provides detailed reporting and analytics to allow carriers to see their claim trends in real-time.


The liability and injury evaluation step of the third party claims process is essential to get the liability and injury evaluation step right each time to can lay the foundation for timely and accurate claim settlements. A best practices model helps carriers align their claims handling philosophy with the day-to-day activities happening across the company and provides adjusters with the tools they need to succeed. 而历史索赔数据模型可能会更快地建立起来, we believe using a best practices recommendation model is the right choice for long-term success.

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